
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Just a Moment to Catch-Up and Write

The making of Cinnamon Sugar Pamiers
Oh, how I've MISSED you all!!!

I know I've been here, but I haven't really "been" here.
I haven't nearly been posting as much as I used to and CERTAINLY haven't been in the kitchen as much as I used to be either.
BUT, those times have a changed.

Today was my last day of work.
One week from today we pull out of the driveway, U-haul and all, and leave the place we've called home for the past 11 years to make the trek through the amber waves of grain, over the purple mountain majesties and across the fruited plain. 
And I can't WAIT to see that shining Atlantic sea!!

As moving most often is, it's bittersweet. 
I'm leaving some very, very dear friends.
SO many wonderful memories, heartfelt talks and tears of both laughter and joy.
And fond, fond memories of starfish.
(it's an inside joke, but ask Tina and maybe she'll share it with you). Maybe.  ;-)

Arizona's been good to us, and I'm extremely grateful to have had the experience of living here. 
It has been absolutely amazing and we've been presented with so many opportunities and done some things we never thought we would...

Hiked the Grand Canyon at night. There were SO many stars and it was just breathtaking to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World at dusk. If you ever get a chance, I say go for it.

Vacationed in Mexico.
Celebrated our 20th anniversary in San Francisco.
Went on a whale watch to celebrate my grandmother's life (only me with my aunt, cousin and step-cousin).
Experienced hot, hotter and the HOTTEST temperatures EVAH in my life!! 
I now know what a haboob is and will sound really impressive to people back east when I educate them on it.  Ok, probably not. More than likely, they'll look at me like I have two heads and say, "What did you say about your boobs?!"  *sigh*

We bought our very first family dog, Brady, and gave him a "puppybrother" named Keiser.

Man, I hate that commercial. When she says "puppybrother", it's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
Hate it.
Saw Saguaro, rattlesnakes, lots of cute little lizards, scary scorpions (amazing how something SO dang small can make a person terrified of walking barefoot in their own home!)

and ugly, really STANKY things called Javelina!

Jorge the Javelina
Saw snow in the desert. No, Really, I did. I was at work sometime in January, February or March, whenever it was and we had this FREAK storm when it snowed where it hasn't before. It was SO bizarre, but really, really cool!! 

Worked with some pretty wonderful people at Desert Hills, talented and knowledgeable doctors, caring and compassionate staff and all around FUN colleagues. I'm really, REALLY going to miss each and every one of them, but I know that I've made friends for life and will keep in touch with them. If you ever take your furry friend there, please tell them Lynne misses them. 
Met some seriously AWESOME fellow Arizona food bloggers - Rachel from I Love My Disorganized Life who later became my co-host for Wicked Good Wednesdays, Julie from White Lights on Wednesday, Valerie from Occasionally Crafty and Aubrey and Stacey from Real Housemoms. We had So much fun that night! Check out their blogs - they do great things and are all very talented!

And FINALLY, at the age of 43, found my passion and discovered what I want to be when I grow up - a food blogger!
I seriously doubt that, had we stayed in Rhode Island, I would have found that it's in the kitchen where I'm truly "at home". 

I could go on and on about how blessed we are to have lived here.
The scenery has been absolutely breathtaking, the experiences memorable, and the people will forever have a place in my heart. 
I am so happy to have had the opportunity and so glad that we decided to take the plunge and just "go for it".
As we are doing once again.
You only live once, right?
Life is all about new experiences, growing and change. Some we aren't so happy about, some we resist till we're blue in the face, others we welcome with open arms and still others we don't understand until years down the road and are grateful for.
Enjoy it.

Thanks for reading. Will keep you updated on our move.


  1. I've been away from the blogging scene way too long too, and once you're back, you realise how much you were missing. That's an adorable puppy! Welcome back, see you around, hopefully :)


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