
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lemon Squares and a Special Video for a Birthday!

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I LOVE lemon!!!
I also LOVE Lemon Squares!!!

And these Lemon Squares were made for two very special people.
The first beautiful lady is a co-worker and a great hugger! I asked her what her favorite dessert is, not letting her know that I'd be making whatever it was she chose and she said lemon squares. The next morning I brought these into work, and left them on the table in the break room so that she'd see them when she arrived. About five minutes after she did arrive at work, she came bounding, and I do mean bounding into the office, giving me one of the best and biggest hugs I've ever had. And she was beaming. It was pretty awesome.
Now, one of the veterinarians has put his request in for his upcoming birthday on Saturday and guess what he's picked? Yup, these lemon squares.

The other beautiful lady is a very special friend and although I've never met her in person, I absolutely ADORE her! She is funny, extremely outgoing, very, very talented in the kitchen, AND she makes some pretty kick-butt (I could've said the other word, but this is a family blog, ya know) videos!! She's super crazy, but in a great BIG fun way and she and I have even virtually danced on tables together during one of the parties I had on the 365 Days of Baking FB page. You HAVE to check out her blog!!!

Yes, ladies and gentleman, this birthday girl whom I now refer to is none other than, Jen, from the wonderful blog, Four Marrs and One Venus. She has even been my special guest for one of my Feature Friday posts. Click here to see the answers I asked in my interview and the wonderful recipes we shared from her blog! It was SO much fun to get to know her better!! She is awesome and I CANNOT WAIT to meet this woman in person one day!
In addition to making these lemon squares for Jen, my dear friend and co-host for Wicked Good Wednesdays, Rachel from {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life, and I got together (with help from some very special people) to create a video for Jen. She's always bringing such joy to others with her dancing and singing that we thought we'd repay her. 
Also, Rachel and I have joined up with other blogger friends to create a Virtual Birthday Party for Jen, and we have Julie from White Lights on Wednesday to thank for organizing it!! Hugs, Julie!!!

Check out the other blogs to see what they've done for the 
Birthday Girl!

(in order from left to right starting at the top row)

Lynne from 365 Days of Baking ~ Lemon Squares and a Special Video
(that's me and you're already here!)
Claire from A Little Claireification ~ DIY Washi-Tape Monogram Wall Art
Julie from White Lights on Wednesday ~ Braided Scarf & Kitchen Sink Sundae
Devi from Diddles & Dumplings ~ Favorite Finds: Four Marrs & One Venus
Jessica from Mom 4 Real ~ Reuseable Chalkboard Birthday Banner
Rachel from {I Love} My Disorganized Life ~ Skinny Margaritas
Janel from Nellie Bellie ~ DIY Personalized Mug
Julie from Redhead Can Decorate ~ Easy Personalized Blog Sign
Karin from Art is Beauty ~ Happy Birthday Jen!
Laurie from Gallamore West ~ Lemon Bars
Meegan from What Meegan Makes ~ Happy Birthday Jen


Now onto the food...

I found this recipe at Noble Pig and I don't mind me saying that this recipe is a keeper. 
So try it. Make it for somebody's birthday. 
You'll make them very happy.

Lemon Squares - makes one 9 X 13-inch pan

2 cups flour plus 4 tablespoons
1/2 cup powdered sugar plus additional for covering
1 cup butter (2 sticks) melted
4 eggs
2 cups granulated sugar
6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon baking powder
dash of salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Prepare a 9 X 13-inch baking dish by spraying it with cooking spray.
For the crust...
Mix together 2 cups of the flour, 1/2 cup of powdered sugar and the butter, folding it into a dough.
Press the dough into the prepared 9 X 13-inch pan.
Bake for 20 minutes or until the edges are slightly golden brown. Allow to cool completely.
In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, granulated sugar, lemon juice and salt.
In a small bowl, whisk together the 4 tablespoons flour and baking powder. Fold into the lemon filling.
Pour filling mixture onto the cooled crust.
Bake again at 350 degrees F. for 25 minutes. 
Sprinkle generously with confectioners' sugar and sprinkle again after pan has completely cooled.
Allow to cool completely before cutting into squares.


Meanwhile, prepare the filling...

Pour filling mixture over the cooled crust.

It needs to be completely baked before removing from the oven so that the final product is not runny when cutting into it.

Sprinkle some powdered sugar over the lemon squares while they are still hot. Sprinkle more on them once the squares are cooled.
After they have cooled completely, cut into squares and serve.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 and these Lemon Squares earned 4 rolling pins!
They are the perfect treat for a birthday!!
That is if the birthday person loves lemon.  hee hee
These bars were just tart enough and just sweet enough.
They were just right. I feel like Goldilocks.
The crust was delicious and held together well, too.
I would definitely stick with the fresh lemon juice as opposed to the bottled stuff. I just think the taste would be fresher and much better.

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!!
And HUGE baking hugs for the birthday girl, Jen!!!


  1. I am crying over here.. you guys are the BEST! They are happy tears-- I promise... this made my day in a BIG way. Loved the Video- oh my hell... loved it. You ladies are my sista's you know that!! Lynne I can't wait until we is ON like Donkey Kong!!! Thank you again... and those lemon bars- YUMMY!!! XOXOXOXO Jen

  2. oh I love lemon bars! So sweet of you to make them for her!!...:)

  3. Yummm - I love lemon!! Love the crazy video! :) Claire

  4. I love lemon bars! And thanks again for making this video with me. I say we do it once a month. i think we could give Jen a run for her money in the video department lol

  5. Love it! Bravo! Encore! Wiping tears from my eyesd! This was such a perfect thing to make for Jen, a real sweetheart and video maker like no other! Y'all rock big time! I think I need to go make some lemon squares - yum! Hugs, Leena

    1. Oh Leena- you always leave the BEST comments! A big Hug and Kiss coming atcha girl!


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