
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wicked Good Wednesdays #8

 Co-hosted by Rachel at {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's
Wicked Good Wednesdays Party
over at Rachel's site!
I wasn't feeling well and the post never went up, so I apologize.

For those of you who are here this week...
THANK YOU for joining us!!!

If you participated or will be participating this week, please grab our button!

I'm SO very glad you have all stopped by!!
It's been a crazy week here at the 365 home. 
Our youngest daughter came home from college for the three day weekend 
to celebrate her birthday with us. We had plans to spend together as a family (minus our oldest daughter), take her out to dinner or breakfast to celebrate, and go to a movie.
Yeah, but when mom's sick and she can't get off the couch to get out of her pajamas the entire weekend, nobody does much of anything. Sorry, kid.
I think I'll be sending a care package once I'm feeling better. 

Our Most Clicked Link of the Week goes to...

Vanilla Slice 
from FoodThoughtsofaChefWannaBe
Chris really has me drooling with this wonderful "iconic Australian dessert".
I can't wait to give it a try!
My Wicked Pick of the Week goes out to...

Hot Ham & Cheddar Sliders 
from The Two Bite Club
I've always had this "thing" for a hot ham and cheese sandwich.
There's just something about the flavors all hot and melted that makes me swoon. 
Three of my Wicked Favorites were

Shrimp Quesadillas with Spicy Mango Salsa 
from The Tasty Fork
To be honest, I really don't like seafood, especially shrimp,
 but these quesadillas sound just too good to pass up.
Meghan did a great job with these and that's why I can't ignore a seafood dish just because it isn't my favorite food.
Donna always makes such yummy food.
Whether it's a main dish or a dessert, there's no doubt in my book that it's going to be good,
just like this dip!
Thank you all again SO very much for participating!!
If yours was selected as a Wicked submission, please grab our Wicked Feature button.
 to let everyone know you were

Also be sure to head on over to Rachel's site, 
{{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life 
to see what she has picked as her favorites!!
Now onto the PARTY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for choosing my Hot Ham & Cheddar Sliders as your pick of the week! <3

    -Becky at The Two Bite Club


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!