
Monday, January 21, 2013

Secret Recipe Club - Turkish Delight

After a month long hiatus, I give to you....

Secret Recipe Club

Boy is it GOOD to be back!!!

I admit it was nice to have the month of December off, but I really did miss participating in the Secret Recipe Club. It was just plain weird to have a month without it.

If you're new to this neck of the woods or haven't heard of the Secret Recipe Club, I'll fill you in.
This incredible club is based on Secret Santa where every month members are assigned a blog from which we are to choose a recipe to make. Each group has a particular reveal day and at that time we are finally able to let the author of the blog know we've been secretly stalking them.
It's SO much fun!!
April of Angels Homestead is the Secret Recipe Club's fearless leader and the lovely lady in charge of our group, Group C is Debbi of Debbi Does Dinner...Healthy and Low Calorie..  There are many ladies behind the scenes helping to make this wonderful event happen every month, so HUGE baking hugs go out to all of them!!
And now, I give to you my assigned blog for the month of January....

I am somewhat familiar with Tandy's blog, but hadn't really taken the time to really explore it. This month I was given the chance to!
I saw quite a few recipes I wanted to try, like Tandy's Chocolate Marmalade Marble Cake or her Chili Cheese Maize Bread, but in the end I decided to go with her Turkish Delight.
This is something I've heard so much about, but have never tried it, so I decided it was time.
I did make some adjustments because I only had 3 of the 4 envelopes of gelatin that I needed, so I cut the recipe in half and used powdered sugar instead of superfine.
Tandy's blog was also my first experience in using the metric system in a recipe, but she's made it very easy for everyone by having a page devoted to Conversion Tables for those of us who can't do it in our heads. Thanks for that, Tandy! I'm going to combine both measurements though because it was easier to measure the water that way.

Turkish Delight

140 mls water, divided
2 packets of unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon rose water
few drops of desired food coloring
sifted powdered sugar for coating

Combine 40 mls of water and the packets of gelatin into a small bowl. Allow the gelatin to dissolve.

Into a small saucepan, combine the remaining water and powdered sugar and heat over low until sugar is dissolved.

Place bowl of gelatin into the microwave for 30 seconds to soften.

Add the softened gelatin and cream of tartar to the heated sugar water and simmer for a few minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in the rose water and food coloring.
Pour into a well-greased 8 X 8-inch glass baking dish. (I used an 8-inch round cake pan, but should have opted for the glass because I think the final product tasted a little tinny in parts).
Allow to set.

Cut into squares and dredge in powdered sugar.
Store in refrigerator.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Turkish Delight earned 2 1/2 rolling pins. 
The last time I used rose water was in some frosting for cupcakes and I really didn't like the taste, but for some reason I really enjoyed it in this recipe.
It wasn't overpowering as I expected it would be.
They tasted sort of like gumdrops, but were much softer.

If the Secret Recipe Club is something you think you might be interested in, then go HERE  to learn more about it and join us!

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. I've never had it either and have wanted it ever since I read the Lion the witch and the wardrobe! lol! I totally forgot about it and thank you for reminding me, this one is on my bucket list.

  2. What a fun and unique recipe! I've never had Turkish Delight before (only read about it in Chronicles of Narnia), but it looks so good!

  3. My sister went to Turkey last summer and fell in love with this stuff. Am keeping this recipe for her!

  4. When I went to Turkey last year, my favorite part about walking around the Grand Baazar and Spice Market was eating all the free Turkish Delights! Somehow I even was convinced to buy some outrageously priced pistachio Turkish delights...they were some of the most amazing things I have ever eaten and I swore one day I'd try to replicate them at home. Thanks for reminding me that I still haven't done this!

  5. I am totally on board with you about the rose taste. I usually don't like it, but I like Turkish Delight, weird? But then again, I hate black licorice but love anise...

    Thanks for the tip about using metal with this recipe, I'll keep that in mind.

  6. Delish! Will have to try soon. Great to be part of SRC with you!

  7. I love the rolling pin scale! What a great idea. I think I would have rated this the same :)

  8. Look really delicious! I was your src and I mde a delicious muffins from your blog!

  9. I totally thought of The Chronicles of Narnia when I saw this recipe :) how fun. I'm a fellow SRC member, group D.

  10. I've always wanted to try to make Turkish Delight. I really don't like rose water, but I bet a flavored oil would work too. I'm pinning this to try later. Thanks for sharing!


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