
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Best Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce We've Ever Eaten

No lie.
It's delicious and really, really yummy.
And creamy.
I like it better than Olive Garden and MUCH better than that jarred stuff I've been buying.
You can bet I won't be doing that anymore!
It's made from scratch for us from now on, baby!

I adapted this from my Fannie Farmer Cookbook, Thirteenth Edition.

Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce - makes about 2 cups

Ingredients 1 head of garlic
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 3/4 cup heavy cream
1 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons flour mixed with 1 tablespoon heavy cream

To roast garlic, follow these directions.
Remove the cloves of garlic by gently squeezing them from the skins and place into a small bowl.
With a fork, mash the cloves.
In a small saucepan, on low to medium heat, melt the butter.
Add the cream  and roasted garlic, and heat to very warm, but DO NOT boil.
Mix the Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, whisking constantly until cheese has melted.
Mix in the cream/flour mixture, stirring and heating until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and serve over fettuccine noodles or ravioli.

I made the same sauce a few weeks ago to use in a grilled chicken Alfredo dish and it was the BOMB!

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce earned 4 rolling pins.
It was just so very rich and so very scrumptious!
And I'll tell you a secret....pssst, c'mere!  *whispering* But don't tell anybody, ok?
I feel REALLY bad about admitting this, but I'd run out and I certainly wasn't going to head back out to the store for the second (or maybe it would have been the third) time that day...
But I used...*GASP* the Parmesan cheese from the green plastic bottle!!!!!!!!
UGH!!!! Do you hate me now, or what??!!!
I bet you're never going to come back here to read or tell your friends about 365.
Actually, you'll probably tell them to STAY AWAY, STAY FAR, FAR AWAY from that woman!  She uses the cheese in the GREEN bottle!!!
Yes, I admit it. I'm human.
Just like on FB the other night when I said I would be eating home alone because everyone was out and I went to...
yes, I went to...*sigh*...Wendy's.
And no, it wasn't my sister-in-law, Wendy's or even my friend, Wendy's because I have neither.
It was that fast food joint.
And yes, I regretted it after.  It sat in my stomach like a lead, like a lead... I don't know, something or other lead-like.
It just didn't do it for me that night and I was wishing I had cooked the leftover chicken I'd had sitting in the fridge.
Oh well, we live and learn.
Buyer's remorse, I guess.
The REAL freshly grated Parmesan cheese tastes REAL good in this, so I wouldn't skimp and use that.  I used that the first time and it tasted better.  Fresher is better, not processed, green bottle type stuff.

Alrighty folks, I'm off to bed.
I will be back with the ravioli recipe that I used this sauce for tomorrow!

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. Hi Lynn, I tried your recipe a couple of nights ago and it was gorgeous. I followed your instructions for roasting the garlic and I know I will be doing that a lot more now. Seriously excellent taste with this sauce and the bit of flour made it all hold together. Thanks!

    1. Kim!!!
      Thank you SO much, that is so sweet!! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! We really love it, too and many times we've had it without the garlic and I think it tastes just as good!
      As a matter of fact, I'll be using that in a recipe in the next few days.


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