
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Roasted Butternut Squash and Chicken Ravioli

I've always wanted to make ravioli at home, but I don't own a pasta maker and really have no desire to get one after my brother-in-law mentioned some years ago that it was a lot of work.
THEN sometime last year, I heard you could make ravioli with wonton wrappers!!!
Who knew?!
Ok, you might have, but I certainly didn't.  I thought those things were only for wontons (hellooooo?)!
Now after discovering these babies, I don't think there's anything I can't put into a wonton wrapper!
Ok, well, maybe there is some stuff, but I'm not going to get into that right now.
Maybe we'll save that for another post.

You know, looking back at all of my recipes, I have a lot of butternut squash and chicken dishes.
There's the Roasted Vegetable Chicken Lasagna.
The Oven Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto.  Does that count? It's got chicken stock in it, but no chicken exactly.
Then there's the Butternut Chicken Pinwheels.
We have the Roast Chicken, Butternut, Squash and Potatoes recipe.
And finally there's the Roasted Vegetable, Spinach & Feta Pizza.  That doesn't have any chicken on it, not even chicken stock ('cause that would just make for a soggy pizza and that would be gross), but you could certainly go right ahead and add chicken to it.  I won't mind.
Actually, I'd applaud you.

SO, to sum it up in a nutshell, here on the 365 Days of Baking blog we have quite a few butternut squash and chicken recipes.
I think it might be because I am seriously, no, I mean SERIOUSLY addicted to roast butternut squash.

OH.  EM.  GEEEEEE!!!!!

That stuff is like FREAKIN' candy to me!!
I almost ate all the squash off the pan after I pulled it from the oven.
NO joke.
UGH!! Just thinking about it is making my doggone mouth water!!!!!
I could seriously think of worse things to be addicted to, so I think I'm doing alright when only being addicted to a vegetable.
You know I spelled that word wrong in our 6th grade spelling bee.  I was a really good speller, too, but when the pressure's on, I freak.  V-E-G-A-T-A-B-L-E.  Yup, that's how I spelled it.  Knocked out in the first round I was.
What a MAJOR bummer! Apparently I never got over it and never brought it up with my multiple counselors over the years, so here I am using you for therapy.
Thank you.
You didn't know that that was going to be my M.O. for doing this blog did you?
And here I've got you all thinking that this is for sharing recipes, good food, and my occasional screw-up in the kitchen.  HA!!!  Boy, do I have YOU fooled!!!

No, it's not.
I just wanted to be silly and make you think you had been tricked or sumpin'...
And I'm just trying to fill blog space instead of just posting a recipe.
Just that would be...

Alright, but now it's time for that.
So, here we go...

Roasted Butternut Squash and Chicken Ravioli - makes about 26

1 small butternut squash
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large clove garlic, minced
2 teaspoons freshly chopped sage
2 teaspoons freshly chopped thyme
1/4 teaspoon salt
freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1 small chicken breast, seasoned, cooked and shredded
12 ounce package wonton wrappers
1 egg, beaten
10 sage leaves, chopped
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Prepare two baking sheets by lining them with parchment paper.
Peel and seed the butternut squash.
Cut it in half and cut into slices about 1/4-inch thick.
Place slices into a large bowl and add olive oil, garlic, sage, thyme, salt and pepper.
Toss to coat completely.

Put slices on prepared baking sheets in a single layer.

Bake for 40-50 minutes, turning slices over after 25 minutes.
Keep a close eye on them after returning them to the oven as the smaller and thinner slices will be done sooner than the others and may burn.
Remove from oven and allow to cool completely on baking sheets.

Place into a food processor and add the heavy cream.
Puree until smooth.

 Pour into a large bowl and add the shredded chicken.  Mix thoroughly.

Prepare a working surface by covering it with parchment and spraying it the sheets with cooking spray.
Put half of the won ton wrappers in a single layer on the parchment.

The doggie is always on full alert whenever I'm in the kitchen, hoping something will fall on the floor and he'll be given the ok to get it.
Place one rounded teaspoon of filling into the center of each wonton wrapper.

Brush the edges of the wonton lightly with the beaten egg.

Place a wonton wrapper over the filling and starting from the middle, gently press and squeeze any air out to the edges, sealing them.  Make sure the edges are completely sealed because...well, when you put them into the boiling water, you're going to have all sorts of stuff floating around and it won't be a contained ravioli.
Repeat process with remaining wrappers and stuffing.

Place 4 to 5 ravioli into a large pot of rapidly boiling water and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.  Remove with a slotted spoon or a strainer.

Serve immediately with yesterday's Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and these Roasted Butternut Squash Ravioli earned 3 rolling pins.
They were ultra-rich, my friends, and quite filling.
Each of us only had about 4-5, so there were plenty for four people.
These were a bit time consuming what with roasting the squash (eating some of the pieces), cooking and shredding the chicken and assembling the ravioli.
They were really good, but to be honest, this is not a dish I'm going to be making for us regularly.
I love you, family, but...

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!

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