
Monday, October 7, 2013

Cinnamon Pear Slices / Cinnamon Apple Slices

Cinnamon Pear Slices / Cinnamon Apple Slices - a great after-school or mid-morning snack, these pear or apple slices sprinkled with fresh lemon juice and cinnamon are refreshing and healthy to boot!

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My very dear friend, Mary, introduced our family to this delicious treat.
There's that saying, "it takes a village to raise a child" ~ Mary was my village and I was hers.

We lived across the street from each other and all of our kids, her three and my three, were very close in age. They were like siblings we spent so much time together.
Every. Single. Day.
It was pretty awesome, actually.
Mary and I talked about anything & everything and the kids played, and did whatever.
Don't worry, we paid attention to them. It was only when they were left alone with their fathers that they'd end up getting hurt.
How the heck does that happen? Is it that we mothers have esp and can head things off before they happen or is it that dad is so lackadaisical?
And I KNOW that there are A LOT of REALLY GREAT fathers out there, mine and Mary's being two of them, but seriously, why does that happen?
Like the I go...our family went into the city. I was going to go shopping - think it was Mother's Day as a matter of fact, and Mr. was going to take the kids to a Providence Bruins hockey game. I finished up early, decided to go into the game to join them and see that my 18 month old son has a huge honkin' black eye!!!!
What the heck? Did he get hit with a puck??!!!!
Um, no.
"We were crossing the street and um, daddy was holding C's hand and he um, tripped and he bumped his head on the ground and um, now he has a black eye." As told to me by my 5 year old daughter.
Some things you just don't forget.
After that, whenever we'd ask the kid what happened to his eye, he replied..."Daddy do it."

Things happen.

Back up 4 or so years.
There was the time we went down to the beach in the mid Spring and it was time for our infant daughter to be fed. I opted to stay in the car and do that while Mr. took our then 2 1/2 year old daughter to the beach wall to watch the waves.
About 15 minutes later, he comes running back to the car carrying said daughter in his arms, crying with her face all scraped up.
What the????
"We were sitting on the bench, she hopped down to get off, tripped and fell face first right into the wall."
Then there was the, I can't make this a complete post about children getting hurt while strictly under their father's care now can I?

I'll take one for the team.
I had taken both daughters, probably about 6 or so months later to the grocery store. We arrived home and I let the girls out of our relatively new Jeep Cherokee and opened up the trunk to get the groceries out. Our oldest was standing next to me and before I knew it, she grabbed the shiny exhaust pipe, burning her hand.
Fortunately, in every instance (plus a few others I haven't mentioned - haha) the kids have been ok and didn't need major medical attention. That's only been their mother when I go skiing or snowboarding.
Kids will be kids and will become hurt regardless of which parent is in charge.
My kids haven't needed years of therapy because of the mishaps and have lived to talk even laugh about them without any scarring, physical or otherwise, so no need to be calling child services on me.
Life happens.
And it's a great one here at the 365 home.

Cinnamon Pear / Apple Slices

2 Asian Pears
half of a lemon
cinnamon for sprinkling

Slice the pears or apples and arrange them on a plate.
Evenly sprinkle the fresh lemon juice over the apple/pear slices.
Lightly sprinkle with cinnamon.

Gently squeeze the lemon so that the juice is sprinkled evenly over sliced fruit.
Lightly sprinkle them with the cinnamon. Don't go too heavy on this, you may regret that decision. Trust me on this one.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and these Cinnamon Pear / Apple Slices earned 4 rolling pins.
The great thing about this snack is that it's easy, quick, delicious and healthy!!
Oh, I guess that's four things. haha
You can definitely switch the pears for apple slices if you'd like. We have had both and and like them equally. I do prefer the Bijou pears to the Asian pears, though. Personal preference.

The power just went out and we are experiencing our first New Hampshire rain storm power outage.
Just as I was about to get my butt off the couch, too.
Hmmm...guess we're going out in the storm. We'll have to find a place that has power AND the Red Sox game on.

No internet connection, but fortunately as my daughter said, "there's always copy and paste." Will have to post after I can get an internet connection. Obviously.

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