
Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Life Change

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You know, when you're filling out those questionnaires and they ask you if you've gotten married, divorced, experienced a death in the family, had a baby, bought a home, started a new job, or MOVED?!
It's supposed to be one of the most stressful things we do in life, isn't it?
I can attest to that and I have to say...that I am very glad that it's behind us.  

We did have an amazing journey across this great land of ours though. Ran into a few storms along the way, but they weren't anything we couldn't handle or had to delay our trip for.  We didn't experience any car trouble which was awesome considering Mr. 365 was driving a 26 ft. U-Haul with all of our belongings in addition to the kids and I driving our van.

Heading up to Flagstaff, AZ

I can't say that we're completely settled into our own place yet, but again, another test of my patience and I know it will come. We're renting a home for about 5 months which is furnished, fortunately, and will then be in search of another. The majority of our stuff is in storage, so we'll just keep it there until we find something more permanent...or need it, whichever comes first. We aren't exactly sure where we want "home" to be just yet, so thought that this would be the best idea while we do a search around New Hampshire and experience as much as we can.

And I have to say that I've fallen in love with the place.
I don't know if it's because I still feel like we're here on "vacation" or that it's that I've been SO very
homesick for the east coast and didn't realize it until we returned- 
the greenery - trees, grass, the antique stores, homes with front porches, fireplaces and wood stoves, long windy roads without streetlights, lakes surrounded by trees, apple orchards, and I could go on and on...
I went nuts the other day when I saw my first Robin! We don't see those birds in Arizona.
When we used to live in Rhode Island, I'd get so very excited when I'd see the first one in Spring.

New England is beautiful
New Hampshire is gorgeous.

The dogs have absolutely loved running through the streams, chasing the sticks that we throw out for them. They are in heaven and come back home exhausted. 

As nervous as I still get at times thinking about details that need to be sorted out, I still know deep down in my heart that this was the best possible thing we could do for our family at this point and time. It wasn't like it was "necessary" because Mr. was transferred to another state because of his job, it was something we wanted to do.
And now I feel as if my soul is at rest.
I am "home".
No matter where we finally settle.

As we were driving back east, I often found myself wishing that my mother were still alive and that our moving back east would be for her benefit as well.
As we drove into New Hampshire, the tears started to flow. Our eldest was driving and this song that I haven't heard in years, released soon after my mother died, came on the radio.

Being back, so many things remind me of her.
A day or so after we moved into the rental, I saw a very familiar pewter duck.
And it literally took my breath away.
I grew up with a duck exactly like this.

I used to think it was ugly, but it brings back so many memories.
As does being back here in New England.
It's all good.

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. Lynne,
    Welcome back to the northeast. Your dogs are gorgeous - love dogs.

  2. I'm glad that you are all safe and well. This made me cry. I miss my friend and I too am homesick. Continue to be well and continue the updates.

  3. The east coast is happy to have you back, and within visiting distance.

  4. Oh Lynne it's such a beautiful post!!
    The last paragraph (regarding your mother) was so moving, I'm still in tears .....

    I wish you all the best in your new place!


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