
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wicked Good Wednesdays #23

 Co-hosted by Rachel at {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's
Wicked Good Wednesdays Party
over at Rachel's site!

For those of you who are here this week...
THANK YOU for joining us!!!

If you participated or will be participating this week, please grab our button!


It's GREAT to "see" you again, 
Welcome to the 23rd party of 
Wicked Good Wednesdays!!!
I CANNOT believe we've done this for 23 weeks ALREADY!!!!
Your response and support has been 

College is over this week, so I'm off to pick up our youngest daughter
tomorrow and then on Thursday it's the Mr.'s turn.
I am SO excited to have the WHOLE family home for the summer!!
They will be gone for one week however when they spend 
time with family back in little ol' Rhody.
That week, I look forward to having the hubby
ALL to myself. Well, ok, with the dog, too, I suppose.
What are your big plans for the summer?
I sure do hope it's an awesome one for you!!
Now on to business...
Our Most Clicked Link of the Week goes to...

How I Lost 30lbs. in 3 Months - Part 1 from 
My Turn for Us

LOOK at Miss Evelyn!! *thunderous applause*
Not only has she been eating healthy to reach a goal,
but she's been doing it with exercise, too!
Keep it up, Evelyn and best wishes for continued success!!
My Wicked Pick of the Week goes out to...

Limoncello Cocktail Cake & happy Alex day 
from Cooking with Curls

As you may well know, I LOVE lemon!!
Lisa made this fantastic cake for her son Alex for his birthday.
Lisa, MY birthday is in a couple months!! (hint, hint) hee hee
Two of my Wicked Favorites were

Disappearing Double Strawberry Cookies
from A Handful of Everything

Strawberry is one of my favorite flavors!
Krista has me hooked with these icing covered cookies,
especially now that it's getting to be STRAWBERRY season!

German Chocolate Meringue Cake 
from Sweet Twist of Blogging

Ooh la la!!
Meg made this beautiful cake and while I'm not one to really
enjoy a piece of typical German Chocolate Cake,
I think this might win me over.
Thank you all again SO very much for participating!!
If yours was selected as a Wicked submission, please grab our Wicked Feature button.
 to let everyone know you were

Also be sure to head on over to Rachel's site, 
{{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life 
to see what she has picked as her favorites!!
Now onto the PARTY!!!


  1. Thanks for hosting, Lynn! Krista's cookies have been haunting me all week - great choice! Have a good week :o)

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Limoncello Cocktail Cake :) Do you live close by...LOL Sadly, it costs $49 to ship one of these cakes :(


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!