
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wicked Good Wednesdays #20

 Co-hosted by Rachel at {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's
Wicked Good Wednesdays Party
over at Rachel's site!

For those of you who are here this week...
THANK YOU for joining us!!!

If you participated or will be participating this week, please grab our button!


Lynne's been a VERY bad girl!!
I have not updated the blog or posted the 
Wicked Good Wednesday Party 
for the past two weeks!
I'm SO sorry!!!
Once again, I was sick (fourth time in four months - this is getting SO old!!)
Our daughters both came home from college for a weekend
our oldest daughter competed in the 
Collegiate National Triathlon Championships
this past weekend in Tempe, AZ.
So, it's been a bit crazy here and I am FINALLY beginning to feel back to NORMAL!

for continuing to visit in my absence.
And, once again, I am SO very happy to have you all here this week!!
You all CONTINUE to AMAZE me with your absolute
You are all SO very talented and deserve a HUGE pat on the back
a BIG baking hug (or two or three)!!!
Keep up the GREAT work!!
Now on to business...
Our Most Clicked Link of the Week goes to...

Raspberry Devil Cupcakes from 
A Handful of Everything

Krista submitted these great cupcakes with two great flavors that go
extremely well together -
raspberry & chocolate!!
My Wicked Pick of the Week goes out to...

Rhode Island Pizza Dough 
from Soliloquy of Food and Such

Ok, if you know me or have at least read my About Me page then
you KNOW I'm not originally from Arizona.
Sooooo, when I saw THIS recipe from Kim, it was of course, a no-brainer!
Funny thing though, I've recently been craving those pizza strips she talks about.
Those are the best!!
Two of my Wicked Favorites were

Free Social Media Icons from 
A Typical English Home

Angela has given us a great way to download these popular social media icons
and...they're FREE!!
I definitely cannot put adding these to the blog off any longer.

Cookie Butter Banana Bread from 
Clarks Condensed

Katie put two of my favorite flavors together in this bread.
I'm thinking I'll be eating more of that cookie butter by the
spoonful than I put into that batter though!
Thank you all again SO very much for participating!!
If yours was selected as a Wicked submission, please grab our Wicked Feature button.
 to let everyone know you were

Also be sure to head on over to Rachel's site, 
{{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life 
to see what she has picked as her favorites!!
Now onto the PARTY!!!


  1. Hope you feel better, soon. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a super week! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals

  2. Hi Lynne,
    Thanks for the feature on my pizza dough!! It pairs well with a Del's ;o)
    Hope you all are feeling better - thanks for hosting & have a great week!


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!