
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wicked Good Wednesday #21

 Co-hosted by Rachel at {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's
Wicked Good Wednesdays Party
over at Rachel's site!

For those of you who are here this week...
THANK YOU for joining us!!!

If you participated or will be participating this week, please grab our button!


I CANNOT believe how quickly every Tuesday comes.
Last night, Rachel asked me for the party link and I was like,
"OMG, it's Tuesday?!?! When the HECK did THAT happen?!?!"
The weeks are FLYING!
Our daughters are done with school in just over two weeks 
and the boy is done at the end of May.
Then before you know it, summer will be over. 
Wow, do I sound like Debbie Downer.
Don't mean to be, just observing how busy I get and how things move so very quickly.

I hope you are all well and that you are taking time to smell the roses!
Thank you again SO much for your contributions!!!!
This little linky party is growing and it's all because of your 

WONDERFUL submissions!
PLEASE keep them coming (and spread the word!)!!!
Now on to business...
Our Most Clicked Link of the Week goes to...

Zucchini & Onion Pie from 
The Pin Junkie

Bonnie made this fabulous pie. I'm always looking for more zucchini recipes
because during the summer those things multiply in our garden like
My Wicked Pick of the Week goes out to...

Mason Jar Mantle Makeover from 
The Resourceful Gals

What a GREAT idea from Julia! I NEVER would have thought to use my mason
jars this way! LOVE it! all I need is the mantle to get me started....
Two of my Wicked Favorites were

Maple Bacon Rice Krispie Treats 
from The Sweet Chick

We can't get enough of Rice Krispie treats around these here parts.
Mr. 365's favorite is ones with peanut butter, but I'm thinking these ones
that Carole made might give those a run for their money!
Caramel Pretzel Brownies 
from The Vegetarian Casserole Queen

Caramel, pretzels and chocolate brownies...
I have to ask, does it get any better than THAT?!
Madge made these beauties and I'm sure they'd satisfy some serious PMS cravings!!
Thank you all again SO very much for participating!!
If yours was selected as a Wicked submission, please grab our Wicked Feature button.
 to let everyone know you were

Also be sure to head on over to Rachel's site, 
{{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life 
to see what she has picked as her favorites!!
Now onto the PARTY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting, Lynne. Enjoy your week ~ smell the roses!!


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!