
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blueberry French Toast Bake

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Yes, here I am.
Remember me?
I'm the crazy nut who decided over two years ago that I needed something to do and challenged myself to baking a different recipe each day for 365 days straight.
That seems like AGES ago, I tell ya!

How long has it been since I've posted?
Gosh, I have no idea really. So much has been happening over the past three months since I've started  working full-time that it's all been a blur.
Time flies when you're having fun.
I can't say that it's been all fun.  I've literally been sick every two weeks since the beginning of January.
Finally this weekend I was able to actually relax, get some housework done, and really enjoy myself instead of having to rest because I was incapacitated.
I am SO over being sick for a good. long. time!
Hello health, I hope you're here to stay (as she stuffs handfuls of vitamins into her mouth and crams positive thoughts into her head)!!!

Now that I'm better I am really REALLY hoping to sit down with my calendar and get a schedule down for
this blog that has been so terribly neglected.
I am SO very thankful that you all have continued to visit in my absence!
Hang in there, I haven't deserted you!

I don't have pictures of the preparation as I usually do, and I can't remember why I don't come to think of it, but there are plenty of pictures of the the finished product for you to drool over.
I hope you do.

Adapted from Lovin' From the Oven: Cinnamon French Toast

Blueberry French Toast Bake - serves four to six

1 day old loaf French Bread, cut into one inch cubes
12 ounces fresh blueberries or 2 cups frozen blueberries, thawed
8 eggs
2 cups milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick (8 tablespoons) cold butter

Spray an 9 X 13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.
Place the bread cubes and blueberries into a large bowl and lightly toss. Pour into the prepared baking dish.
In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla.
Evenly pour mixture over the bread and blueberries.
Cover with plastic wrap and place into refrigerator to sit overnight.
In a medium bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Mix thoroughly.
Cut butter into small pieces and with a pastry cutter or two forks, blend butter into mixture until it resembles coarse meal.
Place mixture into a plastic bag. Seal and refrigerate overnight. This step can also be done in the morning before placing baking dish into the oven.
Next morning...
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Uncover the baking dish and sprinkle the butter mixture evenly around the top.
Bake uncovered for 45 - 50 minutes depending on the desired outcome of the French Toast: 45 minutes will yield a softer, soggier result, and an hour will be more firm. I cooked it for 52 minutes and it was still a bit jiggly, so I opted for 5 minutes more and it turned out perfectly.

Serve warm with butter and maple syrup if desired.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Blueberry French Toast Bake earned 4 rolling pins.
Yes, it is just that good.
AND I think it's even better than the Blackberry Baked French Toast I made a couple of months ago which also earned 4 rolling pins .
It was just berry-licious!
I like the blues better than the blacks because I don't like the seeds getting stuck in my teeth.
I don't know, it just detracts from the overall experience of the dish when your chewing soft, squishy bread and then all of a sudden you get a hard seed lodged in your teeth.
Yeah, it just really ruins it.
You know, like when you're in the throes of passion and one of you has to take a break to pee.
It's a mood killer.
No bueno.

Our daughters have separate Spring Breaks this month, but this weekend there will be an overlap when one comes home and the other leaves, so I think I'll be making this for the family.
I think two 9 X 13-inch dishes might be in order though seeing as how they miss their momma's home cookin' and for the fact that our 15, soon to be 16 year old son, will probably eat a whole one by himself.
I am AMAZED at the way that kid can eat!

I hope you are all well!
Come back to these here parts and see me again some time, won't 'cha?
I appreciate you joining me today!

I give you all BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. I just found your blog and I am so excited! I like to say I am an equal-opportunity cook, but I really do love to bake above all else. I can't wait to sift (haha) through all 365 days of your posts. :-)

  2. Ahhhh... you got me at the It's SO Fluffy!!! haha! Love this-- looks amazing!

  3. First time here. Love your blog. Keep going - I think you're great.


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