
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wicked Good Wednesday #11

 Co-hosted by Rachel at {{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's
Wicked Good Wednesdays Party
over at Rachel's site!

For those of you who are here this week...
THANK YOU for joining us!!!

If you participated or will be participating this week, please grab our button!

You know something? 
Once again, I am A-M-A-Z-E-D at all the 
absolutely INCREDIBLE
submissions we had this week!!
You all ROCK my world!!
Way to go, everyone!!!
Now on to business...

Our Most Clicked Link of the Week goes to...

Snickers Cake
from Something Sweet

Winnie made this FABULOUS no-bake Snickers Cake, so
I am not surprised it was our most clicked link of the week!
I'll take mine with a tall glass of milk, please!
My Wicked Pick of the Week goes out to...

How to: Make Buttermilk - 3 Ways
from The Slow Roasted Italian

Now I'd known about using the lemon juice and vinegar to sour or curdle the milk
'cause that's what grandma taught me,
Donna taught me something new with this third ingredient! 
Two of my Wicked Favorites were

Cream Puffs
from Real Housemoms

Waaayyyyy back in high school (just a few years ago) one of my classmates brought cream puffs into our French class for International Day and I've been hooked ever since.
Seeing these from Stacey and Aubrey brought back some great memories and made me hungry!

Oreo Cookie Bon Bons
from The Plaid & Paisley Kitchen

Chandra made these SUPER delicious treats for some sorta kinda
important televised football game with LOTS of commercials.
Personally, I think they'd be great any time of year! 
Thank you all again SO very much for participating!!
If yours was selected as a Wicked submission, please grab our Wicked Feature button.
 to let everyone know you were

Also be sure to head on over to Rachel's site, 
{{{I Love}}} My Disorganized Life 
to see what she has picked as her favorites!!
Now onto the PARTY!!!


  1. Good morning Lynne, I am your new visitor. Thank you for hosting! I am following you.

  2. Hello Lynne! This is my first time to link up at Wicked Good Wednesday (love the name). :)

    I shared "Strawberry Cream Soda with 3 ingredients (NO sugar, aspartame, artificial flavor)". Perfect for Valentine's Day!

    Have a lovely week and thank you for hosting!


  3. Lynne, thanks for hosting. I have copied the button onto my link ups page. I couldn't find any code for it. Hope you are having a good week.

  4. Oh thank you so much for the feature! This is such a fun party each week!


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!