
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving


I hope you all have had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!! 

We're ending it by watching the Patriots / Jets game and needless to say, because we're Pats' fans, enjoying it immensely!

I'm feeling extremely blessed: all three of our children are home for the long weekend, we're healthy, I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who works very hard for his family and takes wonderful care of us, we have a roof over our heads, and had INCREDIBLE food to eat today (patting myself on the back - haha).
We had a fantastic time Skyping relatives in Rhode Island at a VERY large gathering at my mother-in-law's.  She had 35 people over at her house! That's A LOT of mouths to feed!! That would freak me out if I had all those guests! It would be one heck of a good time, but I think I'd be nervous coordinating everything.
We also Skyped my 93 year old grandmother earlier tonight and that was pretty awesome. We haven't seen her in about 4 years, so the look on her face when she saw us through the computer was pretty darn priceless.

AND I have all of you in my life, too!

What more could a girl ask for?

I am beyond blessed!!!

Just wanted to share with you a little bit of our day.  
I made the turkey (of course), mashed potatoes, stuffing, sauteed spinach, baked applesaucemolasses glazed sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls and some sparkling apple cider to drink.
It was pretty delicious and the turkey was wonderfully moist.
Wonderfully moist?
That doesn't sound right.
But it was. just. that.
Wonderfully moist.

We were all just about finished eating, and actually 2 of us were, when the eldest daughter says,...
"Mom, where's the cranberry sauce you made?"
Uh, yeah.
That would be what I forgot to put out.  I knew there was something!
Well, there'll just be more for the sandwiches tomorrow.

Now I'm ready for bed.

I worked my butt off my jammies.  See?

I was so very tired after this whole event that I didn't even make the apple pie I was going to.
I hadn't made it in advance as I had planned and had decided I would make it this morning.
Yeah, right.
Then I decided that I'd make it while the turkey was in the oven, and would bake it while we were eating.
Yeah, right.
Then I decided that I was just too gosh darn exhausted and this would be the Thanksgiving we would all remember as the one without any dessert.
My kids would be scarred for life.
I said to the kids, "if you want the apple pie, you make it" and guess what?
My younger daughter came through and baked her very first pie with a crust and filling from scratch.
I'm a proud mommy.
It was pretty delicious, too.

So, another incredible Thanksgiving ~ great food and wonderful quality time spent with the family.

Life is good great.

I hope your day was just as wonderful.

A HUGE thank you to my oldest for documenting our day!

I give you all BIG baking hus and muffins!!


  1. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who cooks in jammies! I don't think I got dressed until 1:30ish? Looks like you had plenty of good food to celebrate the day. And how awesome is that, for your daughter to make a pie, from SCRATCH! Proud mama indeed! Glad you had a great day! We did, too!

  2. Isn't it wonderful when we see them pull through and even take after their moms a little bit. Looks like you had such a nice meal. Take care.

  3. I thought I was the only one that forgot to serve one or two things every holiday dinner. I tried a list this time and still forgot the escarole and beans. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and I submitted a post to your 12 Days of Cookies Party.


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