
Friday, October 26, 2012

Oreo Candy Corn Truffles

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When I was searching Jennifer's site, Mother Thyme, this past month for Monday's Secret Recipe Club reveal, I came across this Oreo Truffle Recipe.
Chocolate.  Oreo.  Truffles.
I almost passed out.
No, really.
I stood up so fast in excitement to see if I had cream cheese in the fridge for these that I got really lightheaded.
Ok, no, I'm kidding, but it sounded good, hunh?

I can't lie to you, that would be mean and I don't like to be mean.
Only sometimes, just a little bit mean.

Like when I'm driving through the parking lot at the grocery store the other day, looking for a spot and I see this little old woman who can hardly see over her steering wheel, with her blinker on to pull into one. She's far enough away from it, patiently waiting for a mother and her three year old daughter (who's dilly dallying) to walk out from in front of her car which offers the precise diversion I need to pull into said spot myself.
That was just a little bit mean, right?  Not a whole lotta mean, just a little.
There was another spot quite a bit further down the row about a half mile or so from the store entrance.
It took her a little while to get there, probably about 30 minutes at the speed she was walking, but she made it. I saw her get to the door as I was leaving.
No. That didn't really happen either.
I'm just messing with ya.

Wow, I don't know why I'm so hyper right now.  Maybe it was the melted chocolate that got all over my fingers which also had sprinkles stuck to them that I had to lick off in addition to the candy corns on top of the Oreos and the additional truffles I had to taste test that got me so wound up.
(To say the previous sentence correctly, you have to say it really fast to get the full sugar effect I'm feeling right now.)  Sounds much better when said so fast, doesn't it?
Can you say...

I LOVE Oreos!!!
BUT, I love the Golden Oreos BETTER!!  Betterer!!!  Much Betterer!!
No, I meant I love them more.  More is more grammatically correct.
So, I wanted to use those instead of the chocolate ones with the chocolate in the middle.  Though I suppose Jennifer's were really delicious.
And at this time of year, Halloween, Oreos makes Candy Corn Oreos!!
But apparently they aren't easy to find.  Hmpf!
I went to four, yes, four stores. Count them, 1...2...3....4 different stores and DID NOT find any!
I was nervous about how they might taste anyway, so I'm kinda glad I couldn't find any.  Wouldn't want to waste a bag of Oreos now, would we?
So, I purchase a bag of Goldens and a bag of candy corn and a bag of white chocolate chips. And voila!
My first Instagram picture!  Ta da!  (ooh, rhymes with VOILA!!)

If I can't find Candy Corn Oreos for Candy Corn Oreo Truffles, I'll make my own, dangnabit!
And I'll call them...

 Oreo Candy Corn Truffles - makes about 32

1 package Golden Oreos
1 1/2 cups candy corn
1 8 ounce cream cheese
2 cups white chocolate chips
Fall sprinkles (optional)

Break Oreos into small pieces and place into a food processor.

Blend on high until cookies are converted into fine crumbs.
Pour crumbs into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.
Place candy corn into the food processor.

Chop until right before your processor overheats because candy corn doesn't chop up exactly like you want it to.  It will break into pieces and clump together really well.  Oh, and hold onto your food processor because when it first starts up, it might want to jump off the counter.  Just sayin'.

Place clumpy candy corn in mixing bowl with cookie crumbs and add cream cheese.
Blend ingredients until well combined.

Place dough in refrigerator for 30 minutes to firm up.
Remove dough and using level tablespoonfuls, roll into balls and place on a rimmed baking sheet lined with wax paper.

Place tray in freezer to chill while preparing the chocolate.
In a bowl over a simmering pot of water, melt chocolate chips.
Or, melt chips in a microwavable bowl in 30 second intervals until melted.
Remove dough from freezer and place a toothpick in each.
Hold toothpick and roll the ball through the chocolate, covering completely.

When I was doing it with the toothpicks, I wasn't having much luck and wanted to chuck the things across the room.  I couldn't coat them completely and a few of them ended up falling off the toothpick and into the bowl.

The bottoms look horrible.
So then I ended up doing the rest of them with two forks.
I need me some cake pop/truffle practice.
I even watched this video and they made it look so easy...

Obviously, mine wasn't so easy.
One day I'll get it and they'll be the best truffles or cake pops you've EVER seen!
Bet ch'yer bottom dollar they will.
Once you are done covering the truffles in chocolate, return to the refrigerator so that the chocolate can set.
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

They still tasted good anyway.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and these Oreo Candy Corn Turffles earned 3 1/2 rolling pins.
They were really sweet and tasted quite yummy.  
My daughter thought they could have been a little smaller.
Too much yumminess for her I guess.
Next year, I'm going to Tarjay the week the Candy Corn Oreos come out so I can try this with those.
I'm sure my food processor will be happy, too.

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. So happy I found your blog it is fantasic! These look so yummy and like the perfect halloween treat!


  3. Truffles? Yes, please! Truffles are good. Period. End of story. No need for perfect coating, so long as they are tasty. And these certainly look tasty!


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