
Friday, July 6, 2012

Homemade Gorgonzola (Blue Cheese) Dressing

I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July!
We spent a nice quiet day here at home and then Mr. 365, our son and I went out to dinner since both of our daughters were with their friends.
Granted it was a holiday, but it certainly wasn't easy finding a place we wanted to go to that was open.  
We tried three different places before we finally settled on Culver's for some burgers.
Not the Chino Bandido we've heard so much about and wanted to try, but it was good anyway.  And I didn't have to make dinner, so I wasn't really complaining.

I have to say a HUGE thank you and give you all BIG baking hugs for sending me SO many birthday wishes and "Like"ing the 365 Days of Baking FB page!!  You all rock!!  If you haven't already done so, you can go like it now!!  I had an amazing birthday and was given the best birthday present I ever could have asked for:  reaching over 2000 NEW FRIENDS on the FB page!
And I am so very humbled and grateful to everyone who joined us for the birthday celebration and Patriotic party we had there.  SO many wonderful people posted AMAZING links to some pretty incredible dishes and they shared the party with so many of their own friends.
I am just completely floored by the outpouring of love and support I received and continually receive from you all.
You are just totally AWESOME!!!!!!!
So from the very bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!

I've been forever buying different kinds of salad dressing in the store.
Yeah, they're ok, but NOTHING like this recipe I slightly adapted from Jamie over at My Baking Addiction!!
If you haven't been to Jamie's site, you HAVE to check it out!  (I'm not forcing you or nothin', but REALLY, you HAVE to explore it!!)
She has so very many incredible recipes, her pictures are phenomenal and if you're new to the blogging community, she has a section called Blogging 101 which has a lot of incredible tips for both newbies and veteran bloggers alike.
That's one thing I love about this community of wonderful people - everyone is so willing to help each other out.  Whether it's to improve your blog, enhance your photos or help you with giveaways, someone is always there to lend a hand.
It's truly unbelievable and what's more incredible is that these are most often people I have yet to meet in person, but just by getting to know them through their blogs, e-mails and Facebook, it seems like I've known some of them forever.
If you're thinking about starting a blog and worried about taking that first step into pool, just do it and jump right in!  We'll be here to help you.  You won't drown and you'll be well supported by thousands (and I do literally mean thousands) of other bloggers who share your passion.
Your blog doesn't even have to be about food.  Try fashion or homeschooling, photography, humor, or a day in your life as a mom!
Just DO it!

Alright, so there's my motivational speech for the day.
Now back to this dressing that I could have eaten by the spoonful by itself.
Ok, so what if I did?

Yes, I'll tell you before I give you the recipe, it was THAT good.
I like Blue Cheese dressing, but I haven't been a HUGE fan of it, and I especially don't like if it has huge chunks of cheese in it.
So I made mine more creamy.
When we go out I won't order it at a restaurant on my salad, but I prefer it when I'm eating wings with my celery and carrots over Ranch dressing.
Oh, and I thought I picked up blue cheese at the store, but it was right next to the Gorgonzola.
And apparently someone had placed a tub of the Gorg. on top of the Blue, and I of course just grabbed the top container.
Grrrr...I wasn't happy when I got home because I truly had no idea what Gorgonzola was.
BBUUUTTTT...turns out (just in case you didn't know this like I didn't know this, so I'll fill you in) that Gorgonzola IS a blue cheese native to Italy, so I was fortunate in my purchase.
Good thing it wasn't a Cheddar.
See, there are different types of blue cheese and they can range from mild to pungent and are made from the milk of different animals.
Roquefort is from France and made from sheep's milk.  It is considered to be one of the best.
Montbriac is also from France and made from cow's milk.  It has a soft and creamy texture similar to brie.
And Stilton is from England and has a milk, uh, that would be mild, not milk, taste with a firm texture.
There are many other kinds of Blue cheese, but instead of me listing them because there are so many more than I ever thought there was, you can go HERE to the Cook's Thesaurus to see the different types and their origins.
For a blue cheese salad dressing, Cook's says the best blues to go with would be Stilton, Roquefort, Bavarian Blue, Gorgonzola, or Cabrales.
Even though Gorgonzola isn't at the top of the list, I liked it just fine in this dressing.

Are yo ready for it?  Here she is!

Homemade Gorgonzola (Blue Cheese) Dressing - makes 1 1/4 cups

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon milk
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese

In a medium bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, milk, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, salt, black pepper, and garlic powder.

Fold in Gorgonzola.  (I mashed a lot of the chunks with my whisk so that it was a creamier dressing as opposed to chunky.)
Transfer mixture to a container with a tight-fitting lid.  Refrigerate until serving.
Mix well before using.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Homemade Gorgonzola (Blue Cheese) Dressing earned 4 rolling pins.
It is by far the best blue cheese dressing I have ever had.
I won't be buying the bottled stuff at the store again.
And now I'm also scared to have any at a restaurant with my wings, celery and carrots.  I've been spoiled.
I'm not a Ranch person, but I may have to make that recipe somewhere down the road.

We didn't use it over salad which is why I don't have a picture of it.
Instead, I put it over something else which I'll tell you about tomorrow and it complemented it quite nicely.

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!

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