
Monday, June 4, 2012

Homemade French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

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"When I think of all the things that would have never been if you had never been...
I celebrate the day you were born."
So, what's a middle-aged woman girl to do when she's out of creamer for her coffee?
Make it from scratch, o' course!
I don't know if there's anything worse than making a pot of coffee on a Sunday morning, moving into the mindset that you're going to sit, relax and read the paper while enjoying it, only to find out that there's no creamer.
And no, I am NOT drinking my coffee black.

There is something.
Pouring yourself a bowl of cereal and then going to the fridge to find out someone used the rest of the milk.
Yeah, that sucks.

And like I really needed a cup of coffee this morning after awaking at 3 am in a coughing fit.
I was pretty psyched though, being able to sleep 4 hours in my own bed before I moved out to the couch.
At least when I woke up I had that feeling I had when the kids were infants, and gave me their first 4 hour stretch of sleep instead of waking every two hours to feed.
I was psyched, man.
Then I continued coughing and couldn't go back to sleep.

And then I took a 5 hour nap this afternoon.
I awoke after 3 hours, looked at the clock and said, "Nah.", rolled over and went back to sleep.
Shhhh...don't tell the family.
But they were all very good to let me sleep.  The girls made some cupcakes while I slept, and Mr. 365 went out to get some dinner seeing as how I slept through the lasagna making I had planned for dinner.

I found this on Mommy Savers.
I had this great idea about adding that wee bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream to the mix.
Yes, it is alcohol, but who says you can't start drinking at 7 am?  Besides, it's just a smidgen.
But alas, Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard and...the cupboard was bare.
Darn it!
I guess I already drank it and didn't even remember.
I had a small bottle of Godiva Chocolate liquor, but I wasn't in the mood for chocolate in my coffee.

Yes, I know, GO FIGURE!

And WHY have I never thought about making our own creamer at home before??!!
I guess it's true that necessity IS the mother of invention.

This was SUPER easy, did the trick, and is less expensive than the fancy store-bought stuff.
It will save you money and you know exactly the ingredients you're putting into it, none of those fancy words that you can't pronounce.
I may never buy creamer again.
Full recipe is below.

Pour the milk into a container.

Add the condensed milk.

Add the vanilla.

Secure the cap tightly and shake vigorously until ingredients are thoroughly combined.
Enjoy with your coffee!

Homemade French Vanilla Coffee Creamer - makes 24 ounces
*expiration date would be the same as that of milk used*

14 ounces whole milk
14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

Pour the milk into a container.
Add the condensed milk.
Add the vanilla.
Secure the cap tightly and shake vigorously until ingredients are thoroughly combined.

I rate everything I bake on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Homemade French Vanilla Coffee Creamer earned 3 rolling pins.
Mr. 365 LOVED it and says not to buy any creamer again.
I thought it was good, but could have used maybe one more teaspoon of vanilla, making it a whole tablespoon ~ I made that change in the recipe because it originally called for 2 teaspoons.
I'm also eager to try it with some other flavorings.  I might just have to go out and buy me some more Bailey's.
I'm partial to the Bailey's.
I used the empty creamer bottle that I had.
It just seemed logical and convenient seeing as how I didn't have any other container to really put it in besides a square Rubbermaid container.
Oh, and don't try to take pictures of yourself pouring the condensed milk into the small mouthed container because you're bound to miss and it will make a sticky mess down the side of the bottle and all over the counter.
Just sayin'.

I give you all BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. You crack me up Lynne. I am going to try this. I am wanting to get away from all the junk in creamer and this looks like the perfect time to start trying...

    It is challenging to shoot picks while prepping... I can't tell you how many times I have missed.

  2. Any idea how long its good for? I'm the only user in my house and it takes me about two weeks to use up a big bottle.

    1. Michelle,
      unfortunately I do not. My guess is as long as your milk is good. The milk I used expires on June 6th, but we have two people using it. Perhaps you could use only half the amount of each and refrigerate the condensed milk until the next time you make it. I can't remember what the exp. is on the condensed milk and the can's already gone, but that would probably be your best bet.
      Thanks for the question!

  3. Coffee is a brewed beverage with a bitter flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. Coffee is known to be one of the most refreshing beverages throughout the world. Whether it is a black coffee, or a coffe,with eual amount of milk, it is always the best companion,when yo are waiting for some one, or anything like this.
    the best coffee, slimming coffee

  4. Good grief, I haven't had creamer for my coffee in 21 years. Now you just made me VERY happy. I have been using canned milk or fresh milk. No where near as good as VANILLA creamer! WOW! I bow down to you my recipe Queen.

  5. Just made this. Killer good at a fraction of the price. Passing this one on with kuddos to you.

  6. Oh K. Now you are talking! I have never made my own creamer- and golly gee I HATE it when I run out! So nice to know I have a back up recipe!!

  7. This recipe sounds like a perfect variation of the 3 or 4 I found while googling. Other recipes called for heating the milks, but your way sounds quick!
    I would say that any creamer should be used within 10 days to 2 weeks.

  8. Trader Joes just started selling an organic sweetened condensed milk now I have a reason to buy it and dump the commercial stuff. Thanks

  9. Sarah Cannon WilliamsNovember 15, 2012 at 10:20 PM

    Oh to come up with other flavors as well. Like pumpkin, eggnog, hazelnut, caramel macchiato.
    We will be making this in our home.

    Thank you so much!

  10. What a great idea! I never would have thought to used sweetened condensed milk! {LOVE that stuff!} Think I'll try making my own peppermint creamer. Then I can have it ANY time of the year!

  11. Sounds great! I'm heading to the store for condensed milk to try it.
    I'll add Cinnamon too. It has amazing health benefits.
    Doesn't 14 + 14 still equal 28 though?
    signed - guy with dish pan hands

  12. This is such an awesome idea. I would have never thought of making this. We drink latte as our everyday morning coffee. Me and my husband though also love the regular coffee and we drink it 2-3 times a week. I do not like just regular milk in my coffee, so this would be what I make. i can half the recipe and use the rest of the condensed milk for some other recipe or maybe just lick it off with my kids :)


  13. I love my coffee creamer--and would really like to try this. Due to diabetes, however, I need to use the sugar free creamer. Do you know of any way to cut down on the sugar in this homemade version?

    1. Google for a recipe to make your own sweetened condensed milk, use honey or artificial sweetener. Use coconut milk for dairy free version also.

    2. Google a recipe for making sugar free sweetened condensed milk, they are out there. Can also make dairy free.

  14. Add 1-2 Tbsp of brown sugar to the creamer mix, and you have your very own Starbucks vanilla latte, without the bitterness of Starbucks coffee or the ridiculous price tag.

  15. This sounds awesome!! Does anyone know you could make the hazelnut flavored creamer? Thanks in advance. Lisa Y.

  16. Would love to try this, but need a suger free version, any help??

  17. I think there's a sugar free (or maybe it's fat free??) sweetened condensed milk.

  18. Making some tonight for tomorrow.....I am a cinnamon freak.......cant wait to try.!!!!

  19. I just made this and I LOVE it!!! I am not a coffee drinker so I use creamer in my hot chocolate and this stuff tastes AMAZING! I love it! Some things I did different was I used low fat milk and Mexican vanilla but it still tasted GREAT!

  20. Amazing!!!!! Thank you!!!


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