
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Grilled Spinach, Feta & Chicken Pizza

Do you ever have those days when you feel as if you could conquer the world?
That everything is falling into place and everything is going your way?
Thought so.
Well, today was one of those days for me.
If I had played the lottery - WAIT, there's still time to play Powerball!!!
Forget it, I have no car to get there.
I do have a golf cart, but it's still 111° out.
Or at least it was when I typed that.  I became sidetracked cleaning up after dinner and now it's well past Powerball time.
So, I woke up this morning extremely motivated to literally conquer the world and practically did just that!
I was productive in house cleaning, had an incredibly motivating (and extremely sweaty) workout, did some shopping, made dinner for (SO exciting) UNDER $10 for 5 people (granted it was breakfast for dinner, but it was healthy, not full of carbs), made a coffee date with a fellow blogger who I'll be meeting for the first time on Friday (which I'm extremely excited about), AND received an absolutely precious package in the mail from another fellow blogger and friend!  The contents of which I will be sharing with you all shortly seeing as how it is an ingredient I can use in my baking.  Just suffice it to say when I post this recipe (yet to be determined) you're going to HAVE TO go buy yourself some of this stuff.

And yes, I did it again.
I grilled another pizza.
I'm addicted to this I'm telling ya.
That crust grilled is in a word, UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
And if you've never had a grilled a pizza, or tried my Grilled Margherita Pizza yet, you've got to.  You don't know what you're missing.
And I'm not saying this stuff to toot my own horn, but this stuff is GOOD!  And I don't think you've really lived until you've had a grilled pizza, mine or someone else's - or even your own!
And they really aren't all that difficult.
Heck, if I can do it, so can you.  And I have NO idea what I'm doing when it comes to the grill, folks.

Grilled Spinach, Feta & Chicken Pizza - serves 4

1 3/4 - 2 1/4 cups flour
1 envelope Fleischmann's Pizza Crust Yeast (I like using this for our pizza because it doesn't need to rise)
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon oregano
3/4 teaspoons garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup very warm tap water (about 120 - 130 degree F.)
3 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 tablespoons canola oil for brushing

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
3 ounces fresh spinach, torn, cut or chopped into smaller pieces (I didn't do this and consequently it was long and stringy.  It would have been easier to spread more evenly over the pizzas.)
4 button mushrooms, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup cooked shredded chicken (I used a leftover Rotisserie chicken.), divided
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese, divided
1/2 cup crumbled Feta cheese, divided

In a large bowl, combine 1 cup of flour, yeast, sugar, oregano, garlic powder, and salt.
Add water and olive oil.
Mix ingredients together with a wooden spoon until well combined, about 1 minute.
Gradually add 1/2 cup of flour at a time until the dough forms into a soft ball.  It will be slightly sticky, but add additional flour if needed.
Preheat the grill to medium
Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 4 minutes or until smooth and elastic, adding additional flour if necessary.
Cut dough in half and form into two circles about 6 inches in diameter. (it will make it easier to flip while on the grill.  TRUST me on this.)
Place each dough circle on a flat baking sheet or a pizza stone to transfer it to onto the grill.

In a large skillet over medium-high, heat olive oil.
Add minced garlic and saute until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes.
Add mushrooms and spinach.  The spinach may need to be added in batches.
Mix in salt and pepper.
Saute until mushrooms soften and spinach is wilted, about 5 minutes.  Place into a bowl to take to the grill.

Brush the tops of the dough with canola oil.
Carefully flip or place the pizza dough, canola oil side down, onto the grill.  Brush the top with remaining canola oil.  Cover and cook for 5 minutes or until bottom is cooked and grill marks are present.  Be careful not to burn, but some people like burnt grilled pizza.  ;-)  And it may be easier to prepare one pizza at a time, depending on the size of your grill.
With two large metal spatulas, flip the dough over to cook (you did spread the top with the canola oil, right, so it doesn't stick to the grill?  That would be a HUGE mess!)
Working quickly with your toppings, place the 1/2 of the sauteed ingredients, 1/4 cup shredded chicken, 1/4 cup feta cheese and 1/4 cup mozzarella over each of the grilled doughs.
Close the cover of the grill and cook for approximately 5 minutes until the crust is grilled and cheeses are melted.
Transfer the completed pizzas to the baking sheets by using the spatulas.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Grilled Spinach, Feta & Chicken Pizza earned 3 1/2 rolling pins!
Oh my goodness!  This was so delicious!
I truly cannot get enough of that grilled crust.  It's a wicked bad (yes, I'm from Rhode Island) addiction!
Making pizza on the grill just adds a whole new dimension to the flavor.  It's unreal.
Whoever discovered this, grilling a pizza thing, is a GENIUS and I would absolutely LOVE to give them a HUGE hug!!!

I just Googled it, and GUESS WHAT??!!
It was introduced into the United States in 1980 at a restaurant called Al Forno in...get this...hee hee,  
  Providence, RHODE ISLAND!!!!!!

I'm living clear across the country, discover how freakin' awesome grilled pizza is and come to find out it was brought to the U.S. in my own backyard.
Go figure.
And actually, come to think of it, Mr. 365 and I went to an extremely delicious dinner there with our best friends back some 12-13 years ago.  Don't remember if we ate the pizza, but I do remember it because the food was great, and also because the waitress said I looked like Elisabeth Shue.
I've gotten that quite a bit actually.  Pretty funny.
I like her brother, Andrew.

Here's what Wikipedia says about grilled pizza...
Grilled pizza was introduced in the United States at the Al Forno restaurant in Providence, Rhode Island by owners Johanne Killeen and George Germon in 1980.[citation needed] Although it was inspired by a misunderstanding that confused a wood-fired brick oven with a grill,[citation needed] grilled pizza did exist prior to 1980, both in Italy, and in Argentina where it is known as pizza a la parrilla.[citation needed] It has become a popular cookoutdish, and there are even some pizza restaurants that specialize in the style.
Grilled pizza is created by taking a fairly thin round (more typically, an irregularly-shaped sheet) of a yeasted pizza dough, placing it directly over the fire of a grill, and then turning it over once the bottom has baked and placing a thin layer of toppings on the baked side. Toppings are generally as thin as possible to ensure that they heat through, and chunkier toppings such as sausage or peppers must be precooked before placing on the pizza; it is not uncommon to add garlic, herbs, or other ingredients to the crust to maximize the flavor of the dish.[citation needed]
The traditional style employed at Al Forno restaurant uses a strained tomato sauce, thin slices of fresh mozzarella, and a garnish made from shavedscallions, and is served uncut.[citation needed] The final product can be likened to naan bread with pizza toppings.[original research?]
I still think this is stinkin' hysterical, and quite ironic.
Actually, I think it just makes for a great ending to a completely awesome day!

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. So glad your day was great yesterday! I think a slice of this delicious looking pizza would make any day that much better!

  2. Yum! I found you through You know this happens at your house too's bloghop... And after scrolling through your latest posts I have to say I'm hooked! Cooking and baking is my favorite way to show someone I love them. I'm personally running a summer challenge to actually use my pinned recipes this summer..I would be honored if you would check me out :)

  3. I am going to make this pizza but meanwhile show me he Elizabeth Shue looka a like face, plese! lol

  4. We adore grilling pizza. It is freakin' awesome! :) Yours sounds and looks incredible. Go conquer the world Lynn Somebody should and it may as well be you!


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