
Monday, May 21, 2012

Cake Batter Ice Cream

It's May and it's the third Monday of the month!
Do you know what THAT means???!!!
Oh, you are SO smart!!
Yup!  It's the monthly post for...

Secret Recipe Club

The Secret Recipe Club is a great group of bloggers started by Amanda of Amanda's Cookin' just over a year ago.  It is based on Secret Santa where you are assigned a blog in your group and you need to find a recipe that you would like to make and then post about it. The fun part is that we aren't supposed to tell the blogger that we've been assigned to them until our reveal day.  It is SO much fun!
Our fearless group leader is Angela of Big Bear's Wife, and she along with Amanda have done an AMAZING job keeping this group together and going so well!  Thank you, ladies!!

For the month of May, my blog assignment was Kelly's blog,...

By day, Kelly is a "communication strategist and aspiring cook/baker/artisan cheesemaker by night".  She is one busy woman!  Her "pie in the sky dream is to someday open a working artisan sheep’s milk cheese farm that is also a yoga and knitting retreat".  How AWESOME would that place be??!!  Kelly, when you open it, I would love to make a reservation, but you'll have to teach me yoga and how to knit first.  ;-)

Kelly has a wonderful selection of recipes on her blog, so I don't think you'd have a problem finding something to make for dinner, breakfast or dessert.  She even has a few recipes for the canines in our lives!  Take a few moments to hop on over to visit Kelly and say hello ~ you'll be very happy you did!

Since I made Roasted Strawberry Ice Cream a few weeks ago, I decided when I saw this recipe on Kelly's blog for Ridiculously Good Cake Batter Ice Cream, I knew I just had to try it out.  I've been SO into the cake batter lately, it's not funny.  Now I need to find a way to use up the remainder of the stuff I used for this recipe.  I don't think that will be a problem though.
This is never a flavor I get when we go out for ice cream because it's usually too sweet for me, but I really wanted to try some homemade.

The only change I made to Kelly's recipe was that I used Butter Recipe Yellow cake mix instead of the white mix she had suggested only because I already had that in the cupboard.

Cake Batter Ice Cream - makes about 1 quart

3 1/2 cups half & half
1 cup butter recipe yellow cake mix
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons colored sprinkles (or as we New Englanders call them, jimmies)

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, whisk together half and half, cake mix, sugar and salt until warm.

In a medium bowl, mix together egg yolks and vanilla.

Using a ladle, slowly drizzle about a 1/2 - 1 cup of the warm mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly (you don't want your eggs to cook, but you do want to raise their temperature.  Nobody likes the taste of cooked eggs in their ice cream.  Hmmm...well, maybe there's someone.)

Add the yolk mixture to the warm half and half mixture, whisking constantly.

Continue heating while constantly stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan until the mixture thickens and the temperature reaches between 170 - 175 degrees F. on a thermometer.  The mixture will be somewhat thicker than other ice cream if you've made it and may have some clumps because of the flour in the cake mix.
Pour the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. 

Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on top of the contents.

Refrigerate for 1 1/2 - 2 hours until well chilled.
Place in ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's directions.
Before placing ice cream in a container to freeze, mix in sprinkles.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Cake Batter Ice Cream earned 3 rolling pins.
I LOVE ice cream and this was really good.
It was smooth, but definitely thicker and sweeter than the roasted strawberry ice cream I made.
And the sprinkles were a nice addition, adding a little crunch.
Thanks, Kelly for sharing your recipe with us!

I give you BIG baking hugs!!


  1. I love cake batter, and I think it would love this ice-cream! The sprinkles make it look so fun!

  2. This looks amazing, Lynne!! My kids would go nuts for this ice cream :) An excellent SRC pick!

  3. Beautiful pictures and the ice cream sounds so darn delish! I want some!

  4. She has such a cute blog, I had her last assignment and I loved that she made cheese! The jimmies really make the ice cream look festive. It's that time of year to crack out the ice cream machine.

  5. Thanks for making my recipe! You're making me think I need to whip out my ice cream maker sometime soon because it has been in the 80's here in Chicago. I love that you used yellow cake mix instead. Having played around since, it seems to have more flavor.

  6. fun for a birthday party! I love the new DQ cake batter blizzard, so I have no doubt I'd eat this up in no time. Great selection...glad to be in SRC with you!

  7. Lynne...what a great pick! I never get tired of making ice cream. So many possibilities for flavors! But cake batter...that's one I haven't tried yet! So pretty with the sprinkles! : )

  8. This looks like a great use for a cake mix. It was 90 degrees today--ice cream weather is here. Great SRC pick.

  9. Sounds amazing! I need to get myself a new ice cream maker for the summer!!

  10. Oh good heavens sweetie, this sounds and looks amazin'!!! I'll have to keep this one in mind for our Forth of July bash.


    God bless ya and have an amazin' day!!! :o)

  11. This looks & sounds delicious. You have a lovely blog. Following you :)

  12. We just got married and are trying to decide what we are going to buy with some of the generous gifts we received...Ice cream maker is pretty much at the top of my list and this recipe is making it even more desirable!

  13. I am obsessed with anything cake batter flavoured. I am so excited that I can make my own cake batter flavoured ice cream. Can't wait to try this out. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  14. Lynne, you always find the best recipes to try! Pinned this and can't wait to make with the kids! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  15. Great pick! I was just looking at my ice cream attachment for my kitchen aid today thinking it was nearly time to make ice cream, yours looks like a fantastic one to add to my list!

  16. OHHHH Great recipe. Thanks for sharing today!


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