
Friday, November 16, 2012

FEATURE FRIDAY ~ Jen from Four Marrs and One Venus

Hey, all!!!  It's FRIDAY!!!!!
And that means it's FEATURE FRIDAY!!! Every Friday on the 365 Days of Baking Facebook page we feature a fellow blogger and 5 of their recipes or tips, so that readers can get to know someone new or a blogger they're already familiar with, better!
It's been a lot of fun.
My aim has been to make it a weekly blog post as well, but I've fallen behind.
Go figure.
I'm three weeks behind in my posting, so here goes.
This week's Feature Friday guest (who was actually a guest weeks ago on the FB page) is...................

Jen from Four Marrs & One Venus!!!!

This is one lady you are going to want to get to know!! She is absolutely hysterical and it has been so much fun being friends with her (even if it is virtually)!!!  I can't wait to meet her in person one day!

For each Feature Friday guest, I ask them to tell us about themselves, have them answer 10 questions and highlight 5 of their recipes, so let's get started shall we?

What up 365 Days Of Baking Fans! My name is Jen and I blog over at Four Marrs & One Venus! I have three handsome boys that call me mom and a stud-man husband that calls me “Jennifer” {when I am in trouble} I am 33 years old and have lived in southern California my entire life. I am loud baseball cheering mom, who enjoys getting funky and putting smiles on others!

Thanks, Jen!  Please tell us how you started blogging.

Blogging Blogging-- here we go! I started my blog a couple years ago, but it was mainly for my family who lived out of state so they could keep up with us.  Then January 2012 I said- I am doing this “balls to the walls” 100% blogging- let’s Go! And I am so happy I did, as I have met so many amazing people through this entire blogging journey!

Now onto the questions!

1.  What 3 items do you ALWAYS have stocked in your refrigerator, and what 3 are always in your pantry? 
REFRIGERATOR- Butter, Ranch Dressing, Cholula Hot Sauce 
PANTRY- Peanut Butter, Cream of Chicken condensed soup, White Rice

2.  What is a food you can't stand? 
Fish {gag}- But I love Tuna!?

3.  Tell us a pet peeve.
Eating with your mouth open, food smacking.

4. What is one chore you absolutely hate doing? 
Cleaning the bathroom! Ewww, Nasty, piss and poo! And remember I do live with 4 males who still can't dial in their aim for the "toilet target" So gross!

5.  What is the one food you secretly like to indulge in?
Peanut  Butter M&M’s

6.  Name one item in your kitchen other than your oven, refrigerator, dishwasher and sink that you couldn't live without.    

7.  What is YOUR favorite recipe on your blog?

8.  What are your 3 favorite things/herbs/spices you use most often in creating your dishes? 
Cilantro, basil and cumin

9.  What inspires you the most to be creative in the kitchen?
 #1 A CLEAN kitchen and #2, A new recipe!

10. Finally, name 3 people living or deceased throughout all of history (can be family members) you would invite to dinner and what would you serve?
I would love to serve my grandma who passed away 3 years ago, her husband {my grandpa} who has been missed for 15 years now and my other grandpa who left us 5 years ago. I would make a HUGE Thanksgiving Dinner! We would enjoy the meal and sit around the table for hours just catching up. Gosh I miss them!

The five recipes we highlighted on the FB page for Feature Friday were:

*all photos taken with permission from Four Marrs & One Venus*

I was so very happy to have Jen as our guest. She was so much fun and her recipes...YUM!!! Take some time to visit her blog, be sure to "Like" her Four Marrs & One Venus Facebook Page, follow her on Pinterest, and on Twitter!!
Oh, and one more thing I forgot to show you. Jen likes to "let her hair down" once in a while and rock out.  She's got some pretty awesome videos on YouTube that you should definitely take a look at, but I'll leave you with her TGIF 5pm Dance.  Enjoy!!

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!!


  1. Jen rocks my socks right off of my feets! She's the funniest sweetheart I have never met! Awesome to learn more about her!

    1. Kathe--- you are the best! So happy to have crossed paths with ya lady!!

  2. Lynne- loved it! Loved hanging with you and your crew! WOW- that was fun! Thank you oh so much for a fantastic day! xo Jen


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