
Monday, August 20, 2012

Secret Recipe Club ~ Quinoa, Black Bean and Turkey Stuffed Peppers

It's the third Monday of the month which can only mean...(drumroll, please, maestro!)

Secret Recipe Club

It is reveal day for Group C of The Secret Recipe Club!!

I have absolutely loved being a part of this amazing group since I started participating in July of 2011 ~ it is SO much fun!  If you're interested in joining, please check it out.
It was started by Amanda of Amanda's Cookin' and is now run by April of Angel's Homestead.  Group C now has a new leader, too ~ Debbi, of Debbi Does Dinner...Healthy & Low Calorie.  She has taken over for Angela of The Big Bear's Wife.  These ladies do A LOT of work, so I'd like to thank them and tell you to please be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!  Also, a BIG baking hug goes out to Debbi to welcome her as our fearless leader!
The club is based on Secret Santa:  everyone in the group is assigned a blog from which they have to pick a recipe to make and post about, BUT you can't let them know that you've been "stalking" them until reveal day.  It is wonderful "getting to know" your assigned blogger if they are new to you and making one (or more!) of their recipes.  I love secretly reading about them, why they started their blog, perusing their recipes and then leaving them a comment on reveal day letting them know I had them and what I chose to make.
It's also a lot of fun if the blog you're assigned is one you're very familiar with because it's kind of picking a recipe from an old friend.
Many times it can be extremely difficult to pick a recipe because there are SO very many and all of them sound and look delicious, as was the case with this month's assignment.
I was excited when I found out I was assigned Thrifty Veggie Mama because I already "knew" Jamie and her recipes.  She is quite a busy woman with three children all under the age of 5!  She is ME 15 years ago with the two little girls and infant son at those ages.  I feel for her!  Seeing the picture of Jamie with her beautiful children brought me right back to the way my life was then with our kids, I have NO idea how she even manages to find time to write and keep a fantastic blog.  There were so many days that I didn't take a shower and always felt like I was going in 8 different directions!  And now, looking at pictures when they were little, our house was a COMPLETE PIGSTY - toys are strewn all over the background. 
...But I do miss those days.

While we aren't vegetarians here at the 365 home, I really enjoy having meals at least a couple times a week without meat.  It's good for us and makes me feel good about what I'm doing for my family.
Cause you know it's always about ME!  ;-)
I know I say this every month, but I had a REALLY hard time deciding which recipe to make.  Needless to say, I have added quite a few to my to-do list: Butternut Squash Ravioli with Brown Butter Sauce (perfect for tonight's dinner with the squash from the garden I have sitting on my counter), the Black Bean BurgersFalafel (LOVE me some Falafel!), Tater Tot Casserole, and the Bang Bang Cauliflower.
See, what'd I tell you, Jamie is beyond impressive!
The recipe I chose to make was her Quinoa and Black Bean Stuffed Peppers.  To see her vegetarian version, click on the link.
We LOVE stuffed peppers, but I've only ever made them with rice and ground beef, and since we've become addicted to quinoa lately, I knew this would be the perfect dish.
I did make a few changes to it.  I added some Old Bay Seasoning, and some ground turkey.  I wanted to include some extra protein in the dish because our son is training for his cross country team and our daughter is preparing to compete in her first triathlon this Saturday.
They were a hit and have definitely been added to our regular menu rotation.  Thanks, Jamie, for such an awesome recipe!   

Quinoa, Black Bean & Turkey Stuffed Peppers - serves 4
I did have some filling left over as Jamie did, so I'm thinking it could have served 6

1 cup uncooked quinoa
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 medium onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
10 ounces ground turkey
1 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 15 ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups chopped fresh spinach
1 14 ounce can diced tomatoes, drained with juice reserved
4 bell peppers ~ as Jamie suggested, I also used green, red, orange and yellow for color (SO pretty!)
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Core, seed and cut the peppers in half, lengthwise.

Pour juice from the drained tomatoes into the bottom of a 9 X 13-inch baking dish.
Put the quinoa and 2 cups water into a small saucepan.  Bring to boil over medium-high heat and then simmer for about 15 minutes until water is absorbed, becomes translucent and separates.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat.
Add garlic and onion and sautee until translucent.

Add turkey and cook until done.

Mix in Old Bay Seasoning and pepper.
Place spinach in skillet and sautee until just wilted.

Add the diced tomatoes and beans.

Add the quinoa and mix until thoroughly combined.

Fill the peppers with stuffing and place into prepared baking dish.

WAIT!!!!  DON'T sprinkle with the cheese yet - it will stick to the foil.
Ask me how I know that.   :-/

Cover with tin foil and bake for 45 minutes.
Remove foil and NOW sprinkle with shredded mozzarella and bake for an additional 10 minutes, uncovered.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and these Quinoa, Black Bean and Turkey Stuffed Peppers earned 3 1/2 rolling pins!
As I said, we LOVED them!
The quinoa was a great substitute for our typical rice, and all of the ingredients gave them so very much flavor!  
We very were excited that there were leftovers and my daughter was so happy that it was such a healthy dinner.
What, do I typically serve garbage for dinner?
It's not like I'm feeding you McDonald's for crying out loud.  
I also loved how this dish was so very colorful which makes it super duper extra healthy!
I KNEW you'd agree with me.  Thanks so much for that!
The next time I make it I'll add the full 20 oz of turkey and halve the quinoa.  There was so much quinoa that we couldn't really tell I had even put turkey in.
Be sure to visit Jamie's blog and tell her I said hello!  She's made a lot of fantastic dishes that I'm sure you'll want to try.

Also, come back tomorrow for a GIVEAWAY!!  WOO HOO!
Stop by and visit all of the other wonderful blogs in Group C to see what they made and where they found their recipes!!

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. These look delicious! I think using quinoa instead of rice is a great idea!

  2. Lynne, these stuffed peppers sound fantastic...I love that you used all the different colored peppers :) And the filling with quinoa (and turkey) is perfect!

  3. I just added red peppers to my Costco list. I am making this tomorrow night! I think I've made something similar on my blog, I don't know. These look awesome. Excellent that it's gluten free too!

  4. I love using quinoa for stuffed peppers - so good! Great SRC pick!

  5. Perfect recipe for this time of the year C:

    Glad to be in 'C' with you. I'd love if you came and shared Wednesday night at my Pin'inspiration Party C:

  6. quinoa and these lool awesome!

  7. I have been too scared to try quinoa before because I'm not sure what my husband would think. I bet if I made this recipe he would not notice the difference. Nice!

  8. I'm not a huge fan of rice stuffed peppers but I could dig this !

  9. Love the colors of the peppers and the recipe looks delicious.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my group "A" SRC entry: Chicken Satay Noodle Salad.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  10. What a fantastic recipe! I made stuffed peppers for my recipe this month also! You know what they say about great minds! :)
    I love that you used several different colored peppers~so pretty!

  11. Your peppers look absolutely divine, and I can't wait to try them!

  12. Oh my goodness, I had some red peppers that I wanted to use in my fridge, and I didn't know what to do with them. Why didn't I look here first??? But the salad I made with them was pretty good..

  13. Hi Lynne, I stumbled across one of your super sweet comments on my blog and shamefully realized it had been a little bit since I stopped in. So glad I did. This recipe looks awesome. I love black beans and have just started cooking w/ quinoa.

    What a great list of other shared recipes as well. Silly me, will have to stop by more often

    (smack head) ☺

  14. Love your recipe for stuffed peppers! It looks very delicious!

    Stopping by your blog from Cast Party Wednesday (I posted #134 Mango, Banana and Chai Tea Smoothie).


    Amber @ The Cook's Sister

  15. I enjoyed your post so much that I've added it to my weekly recipe roundup!

  16. Hi! I read your wonderful FB posts every day, and I would love to be a part of the recipe club, is it accepting new members? Lindsay @


Thank you so very much for reading!! I LOVE to hear from my readers, so please leave a comment!!