
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Peanut Butter & Cucumber Sandwich from Horse Camp

Yeah, I know.
It's weird.
BUT, it's the latest craze that's sweeping the nation ~ Peanut Butter Cucumber Sandwiches!!!
It is, believe me!!
Or maybe it's a craze in another part of the world and it just hasn't made it's way completely over here yet.

Ok, well, I can dream, can't I?
Wouldn't that be neat though if I started a fad, trend, whatever-you-want-to-call-it-thinga-ma-jigger?
But I can't be credited with inventing the thing because it was introduced to me at horse camp when I was...good grief, I don't even remember how old I was ~ I must have been 12 or 13 or so.
So the story goes like this and it's one of my more interesting experiences, I must say.
One of my mother's best friends had three children and her oldest who was about 3 years younger than me rode horses, and took lessons through this woman.
This woman also had three children and at their home they raised rabbits and chickens, etc.
One summer my mother and her friend signed us up for horse camp, but really I'm thinking they were ponies.  Aaah, I don't remember.
What I do remember is that the dang white one, whatever the heck it was, started taking off on me as we were riding a trail through the woods and scared the living bejeezus out of me!  I couldn't stop the thing and I was screaming, brushing up against tree branches, being jostled in the saddle and terrified of being thrown from the gosh darn four legged creature!  My screaming, of course, must have really pleased the animal.  And I KNOW he sensed my fright because he just wouldn't stop trotting, cantering (ooh, see, I learned something that week that stuck with me!) or running full throttle.  Needless to say, I haven't been on a horse, pony, donkey, or otherwise, since.
Except for the ones that are stationary and move around in a circle to music.
You got it, a carousel.
Something else I remember about the camp was the food that was served.  The mother made some pretty darn good bars made out of chocolate chips, cheerios, white cake mix, and condensed milk, and now I can't remember the recipe.  We also went out to the backyard one night to pick out our dinner.  That didn't make me too happy and I REALLY didn't like seeing Peter Cottontail hopping around all footloose and fancy free in his cage just before...well, you know.  It was disturbing and I was afraid to eat that night, but it's true what they say,...
it's tastes a little like chicken.
One of the better memories of that week, or maybe it wasn't a whole week, but it sure felt like it, was the sandwiches we were served for lunch.  And yes, I turned my nose up at them, too, when I first heard the mother tell us what was on them...peanut butter and cucumber.
Peanut butter, ok.
And we all know that peanut butter goes with jelly.  JUST jelly!
No, just peanut butter and cucumbers, no jelly.
Be real.  NOBODY puts cucumbers on their peanut butter sandwiches.  That's just plain gross!
(I never said that to her because I was NEVER one to mouth off to my elders.  Kick a boy in the shin with my hard toed saddle shoes, yes, but never disrespect an adult.
Mom would slap me across the face, she would.)
Anyway, I love cucumber and peanut butter, but separately, NOT together.
Good grief!
If I don't eat this, I'll be hungry, so I guess I'll try it.  I don't think it will kill me.
At least I hope it won't....
And I have to say,...that will be revealed after the recipe.  ;-)

Peanut Butter & Cucumber Sandwich - serves 1 because you won't want to share.  Trust me on this.

2 slices of bread (I used Potato, but you can use whatever suits your taste - go with what you're feeling)
peanut butter (creamy, crunchy, natural, almond butter would be good, too ~ whatever it is you want, you use!)
10 cucumber slices, unpeeled ~ you can use more or you can use less

Place both slices of bread on a plate.
Spread each slice with desired amount of desired peanut butter.

Strategically place cucumber slices on top of peanut butter to ensure a taste in each bite.

Put both slices of bread together with the peanut butter sides facing each other.
The great thing is that the peanut butter will hold the cucumber slices in place if you've used enough, so they won't be rolling off the counter to the floor.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 and this Peanut Butter & Cucumber Sandwich earned 3 1/2 rolling pins.
While I realize this sandwich may not be for everyone, it may be for someone and that person may be YOU!
Heck, even my kids look at me like I have two heads whenever I put this sandwich together.
You'd think that since I'd been a kid when I first had it that my kids would have grown up on the stuff.
Not the case.
They think the combination is just plain old weird.
Kinda like their mother, I guess.
I like this sandwich because you get the great taste of peanut butter with the cool, crisp crunch of the cucumber.
And it's good for you!
It really is quite tasty and you KNOW I wouldn't post it if it weren't because...
I just ain't that a way!
PLEASE, just try it.  It could be your kids' new favorite sandwich in their lunch box.
And you could come out looking like a genius!
Can you imagine, "Mom, this is GREAT!!  How did you think of this??!!"
And then their friends at school will be begging to switch sandwiches and before you know it we have our Peanut Butter & Cucumber Sandwich taking over the nation.
It will happen.
And it all starts with a knife and two slices of bread.

If you try it, please let me know what you think and how far we've gotten with the taste that's sweeping the nation.  ;-)

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!


  1. This sounds good - I'll get some fresh cucumbers this weekend so I can try it. Thank you for being brave and posting this recipe!

  2. When I was younger, my mom had gotten a new babysitter for my brother and me. One of her jobs was to make lunch for us. My mom had left her a note with options for our lunches. For me she wrote that I liked either turkey or cheese, and for my brother, he liked either peanut butter or ham. Well, something got lost in translation, because I ended up with turkey AND cheese (which is fine), and my brother got ham AND peanut butter. Ew! So, compared to that, peanut butter and cucumber sounds perfectly normal LOL. I'll have to try it out!

    1. Oooh, Dana, peanut butter and ham sounds so disgusting!!! LOL!
      Did your brother eat it? I love that story, thanks for sharing!

  3. Ok I have to say it does sound weird but I love peanut butter and love cucumber so I am gonna try it when I get dome cucumber!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love peanut butter & cucumber sandwiches! I always spread a little sambal sauce on top of the peanut butter to spice things up. It's delicious!

  5. Man why can't I we go sgain
    This sandwhich is nothing new at all here in canada I have bern eating in since i was 38.
    I was introduced to it my a roomate much older thsn I at the time.but here we add miracle whp (not mayo) on one side. Pb the other with some salt and pepper.seems odd but very very good.itd got that sweet/salty taste with a bit of zing.cukes help with pb not sticking to mouth

  6. I grew up on peanut butter and cuc sandwiches. it was my grandfather's favorite!


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